2018 Jeff Walker - Product Lauch Formula 4.0 PLF4_Bonus_02 Launching Your List 03 Phase 2

07 Lesson 7- Hosting Your Email List_1.mp4
07_01 Lesson 7- Hosting Your Email List_Summary.pdf
07_02 Lesson 7- Hosting Your Email List_Aweber-StartUp-Guide.pdf
08 Lesson 8- My _Freaking Huge List_ Formula_1.mp4
08_01 Lesson 8- My _Freaking Huge List_ Formula_Summary.pdf
08_02 Lesson 8- My _Freaking Huge List_ Formula_TypesOfBribes.pdf
09 Lesson 9- Basics of Squeeze Page Design_1.mp4
09_01 Lesson 9- Basics of Squeeze Page Design_Summary.pdf
09_02 Lesson 9- Basics of Squeeze Page Design_SqueezePage Planer.pdf
10 Quickstart Tutorial- Building An Effective Squeeze Page_1.mp4
11 Quickstart Tutorial- Six Steps to Creating Your List Building System_1.mp4
12 Quickstart Tutorial- Set Up Email List and Web Form_1.mp4
13 Quickstart Tutorial- Create a Squeeze Page with OptimizePress_1.mp4
14 Lesson 10A- Creating Your Offer Copy_1.mp4
15 Lesson 10B- Leveraging the Power of Split Testing.pdf
15 Lesson 10B- Leveraging the Power of Split Testing_1.mp4
16 Lesson 11- Solving The Opt-In Controversy_1.mp4
16_01 Lesson 11- Solving The Opt-In Controversy_Summary.pdf
16_02 Lesson 11- Solving The Opt-In Controversy_EmailTerminology.pdf

Total: 544.94 MB (571,419,266 Bytes) in: 19 File(s)